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How to buy Dai (DAI) in Japan flag Japan with JPY

Discover how easy it is to purchase Dai (DAI) in Japan using With secure and swift transactions, provides a user-friendly experience for anyone looking to invest in cryptocurrency.

3 easy steps to buy Dai



Choose your preferred fiat currency and crypto.

Pay 100 JPY


Pay with one of 30+ payment methods.


Receive the crypto in your wallet within minutes.


How to use


Select the cryptocurrency, fiat, amount to purchase, and payment method.


Log in to the widget using a one-time-password (OTP).


Enter your DAI wallet address.


Confirm the purchase.

5 sends the crypto to the user.

What is Dai (DAI)?

DAI (DAI) is a decentralized stablecoin that offers the benefits of digital currency while maintaining a stable value, pegged to the US Dollar. Introduced by the MakerDAO, it's widely recognized for its stability and transparency. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, DAI isn't subject to the volatility of the crypto market, making it a reliable choice for digital transactions. In Japan, where digital innovation is celebrated, DAI offers an opportunity to engage in digital finance without the typical risk of price fluctuations. The current price of DAI remains around ... JPY, ensuring predictable value within the market. For individuals in Japan looking to utilize stable digital currency, DAI provides accessibility and flexibility, applicable in various financial activities including saving, lending, or making purchases. By bridging the traditional finance with blockchain technology, DAI empowers users seeking modern financial solutions.

The best way to buy Dai in Japan

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FAQs about Dai in Japan

Can I buy DAI with JPY?

Absolutely, you can purchase DAI using Japanese Yen (JPY) on, which accepts various payment methods including Apple Pay, Credit Card, Google Pay, Neteller, Revolut, and Skrill.

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Can I buy DAI with JPY?

Absolutely, you can purchase DAI using Japanese Yen (JPY) on, which accepts various payment methods including Apple Pay, Credit Card, Google Pay, Neteller, Revolut, and Skrill.

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Can I buy DAI with JPY?

Absolutely, you can purchase DAI using Japanese Yen (JPY) on, which accepts various payment methods including Apple Pay, Credit Card, Google Pay, Neteller, Revolut, and Skrill.

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How is DAI taxed in Japan?

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How is DAI taxed in Japan?

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How is DAI taxed in Japan?

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Can I sell DAI for JPY?

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Can I sell DAI for JPY?

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Can I sell DAI for JPY?

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What is the DAI price in JPY?

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What is the DAI price in JPY?

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What is the DAI price in JPY?

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What payment methods are available in Japan for buying DAI?

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What payment methods are available in Japan for buying DAI?

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What payment methods are available in Japan for buying DAI?

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