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Buying Bitcoin Cash

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Buying Bitcoin Cash

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At we’ve made it simple to buy Bitcoin Cash. As soon as you’ve made your payment, we’ll send you your Bitcoin Cash. You will have your Bitcoin Cash in minutes.

At we’ve made it simple to buy Bitcoin Cash. As soon as you’ve made your payment, we’ll send you your Bitcoin Cash. You will have your Bitcoin Cash in minutes.

At we’ve made it simple to buy Bitcoin Cash. As soon as you’ve made your payment, we’ll send you your Bitcoin Cash. You will have your Bitcoin Cash in minutes. logo logo logo logo logo logo

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Learn about Bitcoin Cash

Learn about Bitcoin Cash

Learn about Bitcoin Cash

The Historical Context of Bitcoin Cash​

The Historical Context of Bitcoin Cash​

The Historical Context of Bitcoin Cash​

As the result of the original Bitcoin network's efforts to increase transaction efficiency and scale, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) holds a special place in the annals of cryptocurrency history. The history of Bitcoin Cash started in 2017 amid discussions and disagreements among the Bitcoin community on how to best scale the network to handle an increasing number of users. In order to increase the number of transactions per block, some supporters proposed changing the current Bitcoin code to increase the block size. However, others who thought that maintaining the same block size would maintain decentralization opposed this idea. The technical and philosophical split resulted in a hard fork on August 1, 2017, which gave rise to Bitcoin Cash, a cryptocurrency with a larger block size (8 MB) than Bitcoin (1 MB), intended to facilitate faster and more scalable transactions.

The Faces and Forces Behind Bitcoin Cash​

The Faces and Forces Behind Bitcoin Cash​

The Faces and Forces Behind Bitcoin Cash​

In contrast to centralized financial systems, there is no single body or person in charge of Bitcoin Cash. Since it is a decentralized cryptocurrency, a wide range of fans and developers from around the world are in charge of its development and governance, with each one helping to ensure its stability and advancement. 

The network's early course was largely determined by Bitcoin ABC, the first use of the Bitcoin Cash protocol. Currently, though, a number of teams, such as Bitcoin Unlimited and Bitcoin XT, are involved in its upkeep and development. Numerous groups and supporters, including companies, developers, and entrepreneurs, are also essential to the uptake and development of Bitcoin Cash, each of them advancing its usefulness and worth in the digital economy.

Similarities between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin

Similarities between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin

Similarities between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin

Shared Ledger History
Common Ancestry: Until August 1, 2017, both Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin had the same historical ledger of transactions, which is why they shared a common blockchain history. This is before the hard fork.

Shared Ledger History
Common Ancestry: Until August 1, 2017, both Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin had the same historical ledger of transactions, which is why they shared a common blockchain history. This is before the hard fork.

Shared Ledger History
Common Ancestry: Until August 1, 2017, both Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin had the same historical ledger of transactions, which is why they shared a common blockchain history. This is before the hard fork.

Technical and Cryptographic Foundations
Blockchain Technology: Both rely on the addition of transactions to blocks that are cryptographically connected to form an unchangeable, safe ledger.
Proof of Work: In order to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain, miners must solve challenging mathematical puzzles using a proof-of-work consensus method. In exchange, they will be rewarded for their efforts.

Supply Limit
21 Million Cap: To ensure scarcity and deflationary qualities, the supply limits of BCH and BTC are capped at 21 million coins.

Objective and Theory
Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash: At first, both sought to develop into decentralized digital currencies that would allow for peer-to-peer exchanges without the need for middlemen in traditional finance.

Differences between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin

Differences between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin

Differences between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin

Block Size and Scalability
Block Size: The block size is the primary technical difference between BCH and BTC. Bitcoin Cash aimed to improve scalability by facilitating more transactions per block by increasing the block size from 1MB to 8MB at first, and thereafter to 32MB.

Transaction Cost and Speed
Cheaper Fees and Quicker Confirmations: Bitcoin Cash aims to be more efficient for everyday transactions and micro-transactions by providing cheaper fees and faster confirmations than Bitcoin due to its greater block size.

Use Case and Viewpoint
Cash vs. Digital Gold: More and more people are viewing bitcoin as "digital gold"—a store of wealth as opposed to a medium of exchange for regular transactions. On the other hand, Bitcoin Cash is adamant about staying true to its goal of serving as a medium for regular transactions.

Development Trajectory and Community
The development communities of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are following distinct development pathways and possessing distinct ideals. They are also implementing unique upgrades and methods to improve their separate networks. Community: The two cryptocurrencies have different communities and backers, who frequently hold different opinions and have different ideas about how their preferred coin will develop in the future.

Industry Adoption
Acceptance and Recognition: Although Bitcoin Cash is acknowledged by a number of platforms and businesses, Bitcoin remains the industry leader in terms of market capitalization, acceptance as a payment option, and general recognition.

Security: Network Security
Compared to Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin is generally thought to be more safe against assaults due to its higher hash rate and larger network of miners. The blockchain is generally more secure the greater the network of miners.

Investment Perception
Investment and Institutional acceptance: While Bitcoin Cash has not experienced the same level of institutional engagement, Bitcoin has seen substantial institutional acceptance, with a number of mainstream investors and corporations expressing interest in it as an investment.

To put it briefly, although BCH and BTC have similar roots and technological principles, their technical advancements, perceptions by the community, applications, and uptake have all differed greatly. Both have established distinct markets inside the cryptocurrency ecosystem, catering to various user demographics and upholding distinct ideologies regarding the ideals of a decentralized digital currency. 

What makes Bitcoin Cash unique?​

What makes Bitcoin Cash unique?​

What makes Bitcoin Cash unique?​

In a world brimming with digital currencies, Bitcoin Cash emanates a unique charm drawn from its foundational philosophy and technical design.

Adherence to Original Philosophy
Bitcoin Cash staunchly adheres to the ethos espoused in the original Bitcoin whitepaper penned by Satoshi Nakamoto, emphasizing peer-to-peer transactions, electronic cash, and minimal fees. It endeavors to be a digital currency that isn’t just a store of value but also a transactional tool accessible to anyone, anywhere.

Scalability and Lower Transaction Fees
The primary distinctive technical facet of Bitcoin Cash is its larger block size, which enables it to process more transactions per block, reducing wait times and transaction costs. This ensures that even during peak times, transactions remain economical and swift.

Inclusivity and Accessibility
Bitcoin Cash advocates often emphasize the cryptocurrency’s utility in fostering financial inclusivity, especially in regions bereft of traditional banking infrastructure. With minimal fees and a straightforward user interface, it strives to be a digital currency that empowers users by providing access to financial services on a global scale.

Adoption and Usability
Bitcoin Cash is accepted by a plethora of merchants globally and can be utilized to purchase various goods and services, demonstrating its real-world utility. Moreover, initiatives such as SLP tokens, which allow anyone to create their own token on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain, further enhance its applicability and use-cases.

Bitcoin Cashs historie​

Bitcoin Cashs historie​

Bitcoin Cashs historie​

Bitcoin Cash kendes også med ticker symbolet BCH, og er en kryptovaluta der er en videreudvikling af Bitcoin, med kildekode der stammer fra den oprindelige udgave, men som er blevet modificeret og ændret for at tillade flere overførsler på Blockchain, med formålet om at reducere tiden det tager for en overførsel, såvel som gebyret associeret hermed.

Udviklerne bag BCH var ikke tilfredse med de høje gebyrer og lange ventetider på overførsler. De så problemet være i måden Bitcoin oprindeligt var designet og udviklet, såvel som idéen om at Bitcoin primært blev anvendt til spekulation, fremfor et betalingsmiddel.

Hvem står bag Bitcoin Cash?​

Hvem står bag Bitcoin Cash?​

Hvem står bag Bitcoin Cash?​

Bitcoin Cash blev udviklet af et team af udviklere og interessenter i Bitcoin-fællesskabet, som var bekymrede over den oprindelige Bitcoin blockchain skalerbarhed.

Projektet blev ledet af Amaury Séchet, en softwareudvikler og hovedudvikler af Bitcoin ABC, den første software implementering af Bitcoin Cash.

Andre vigtige udviklere i projektet omfatter Shammah Chancellor, Jason B. Cox og Tom Zander. Holdet støttes af et stort fællesskab af frivillige og bidragsydere fra hele verden.

Forskelle og fællestræk mellem Bitcoin og Bitcoin Cash​

Forskelle og fællestræk mellem Bitcoin og Bitcoin Cash​

Forskelle og fællestræk mellem Bitcoin og Bitcoin Cash​

Bitcoin Cash har den samme indbyggede grænse på maksimum 21 millioner BCH, og skal også udvindes af mining udstyr, ligesom den oprindelige Bitcoin teknologi.

Men de enkelte blokke på Blockchain netværket er blevet forøget i størrelse, for at kunne tillade flere overførsler. Først blev den nye størrelse sat til 8 MB, og i 2022 blev grænsen sat op til hele 32 MB.

Det betyder, at hvor Bitcoin normalt kan behandle ~5 overførsler i sekundet, så kan Bitcoin Cash klare hele 200 på samme tid. Det skærer både tiden gevaldigt ned, men sænker også gebyret, da der nu er mange flere personer til at deles om at betale gebyret pr blok.

På samme måde som Bitcoin, er BCH også anonym, åben for alle og enhver, og da valutaen også benytter Blockchain, kan alle følge med i hver enkelt overførsel, og disse overførsler kan ikke ændres når først de er registreret på Blockchain netværket.

Den digitale møntfod benytter Proof of Work metoden til at udvinde nye blokke på netværket, og gør det derfor svært for enkelte personer eller grupper at overtage kontrollen af netværket.

Hvad gør Bitcoin Cash unik?​

Hvad gør Bitcoin Cash unik?​

Hvad gør Bitcoin Cash unik?​

På grund af der kun er ændret på en lille række parametre i forhold til Bitcoin, er Bitcoin Cash stadigvæk meget ligesom Bitcoin på de fleste punkter.

Dog er Bitcoin Cash er særligt unik i forhold til størrelsen på blokkene der fungerer på Blockchain netværket, hvilket resulterer i en hurtigere hastighed i forhold til transaktioner, såvel som lavere gebyrer.

Samtidig gør det også hele netværket hurtigere og i stand til at skalere i takt med væksten, hvorimod eksempelvis Bitcoin derimod har sværere ved at holde deres gebyrer nede på samme niveau som Bitcoin Cash.

Hvorfor vælge Bitcoin Cash?​

Hvorfor vælge Bitcoin Cash?​

Hvorfor vælge Bitcoin Cash?​

Der er flere grunde til, at nogen vælger at bruge Bitcoin Cash frem for andre kryptovalutaer. En af grundene er, at den har en større blokstørrelse end Bitcoin, hvilket gør det muligt at behandle flere transaktioner pr. blok og potentielt give hurtigere transaktionstider.

Dette kan være særligt nyttigt for webshops, folk der ofte handler online, såvel som andre personer og virksomheder der har brug for at behandle en stor mængde transaktioner jævnligt.

Derudover er gebyrerne for at bruge Bitcoin Cash netværket generelt lavere end gebyrerne for den oprindelige Bitcoin Blockchain, hvilket kan gøre det til en mere omkostningseffektiv løsning for brugerne.

Nogle mennesker kan også foretrække at bruge Bitcoin Cash, fordi den er mere decentraliseret end andre kryptovalutaer, og ikke er underlagt samme grad af kontrol fra en lille gruppe udviklere.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

When do I get my money?

ASAP! When you buy Bitcoin Cash, we will send you your Bitcoin Cash as soon as we receive your payment, usually within minutes.

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When do I get my money?

ASAP! When you buy Bitcoin Cash, we will send you your Bitcoin Cash as soon as we receive your payment, usually within minutes.

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When do I get my money?

ASAP! When you buy Bitcoin Cash, we will send you your Bitcoin Cash as soon as we receive your payment, usually within minutes.

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At what price will I buy for?

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At what price will I buy for?

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At what price will I buy for?

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What's the minimum amount of Bitcoin cash I can buy?

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What's the minimum amount of Bitcoin cash I can buy?

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What's the minimum amount of Bitcoin cash I can buy?

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The best way to buy Bitcoin Cash

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The best way to buy Bitcoin Cash

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We support more than 150+ countries worldwide and keep adding more to the list every month.

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When do I get my coins/money?

If you have purchased cryptocurrency, we will send your coins immediately after your payment. However, it takes 1-2 business days if you pay with bank transfer. If you have sold cryptocurrency, we will send you your money after 1 Blockchain confirmation. This rarely takes more than 30 minutes. After that, it depends on how quickly your bank receives bank transfers, typically within 1 business day.

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When do I get my coins/money?

If you have purchased cryptocurrency, we will send your coins immediately after your payment. However, it takes 1-2 business days if you pay with bank transfer. If you have sold cryptocurrency, we will send you your money after 1 Blockchain confirmation. This rarely takes more than 30 minutes. After that, it depends on how quickly your bank receives bank transfers, typically within 1 business day.

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What price will I buy/sell for?

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What price will I buy/sell for?

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How is cryptocurrency taxed?

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How is cryptocurrency taxed?

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