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How to buy Tron (TRX) with SPEI

Learn how to easily buy Tron using SPEI through Our non-custodial platform ensures your transactions are secure, fast, and straightforward. Receive your TRX as soon as the payment is processed.

3 easy steps to buy Tron



Choose your preferred fiat currency and crypto.

Pay 100 USD


Pay with one of 30+ payment methods.


Receive the crypto in your wallet within minutes.


How to use


Select Tron (TRX), your local currency, the amount to purchase, and choose SPEI as the payment method.


Log in to the widget using a one-time-password (OTP) sent to your email.


Enter your Tron wallet address.


Confirm the purchase.

5 sends Tron to your wallet immediately after payment confirmation.

What is Tron (TRX)?

Tron (TRX) is designed to decentralize the internet, leveraging blockchain technology to support high throughput and decentralization. Buying Tron with SPEI is a seamless process on, which handles your transactions securely.

TRX is known for its scalability, specifically in relation to its support for decentralized applications (dApps). By purchasing TRX, you enter an ecosystem that offers fast and cost-effective transactions.

SPEI, a popular bank transfer method in Mexico, allows for quick, safe payments. When using, you benefit from the non-custodial service ensuring your crypto is sent directly to your wallet without delay.

TRX logo Relevant resources for TRX

Access relevant resources such as Tron's website or whitepaper to help you better understand its purpose and shed some light on the future of the project. The website usually gives an overview, while the whitepaper dives into the technical details and long-term goals.

The best way to buy Tron with SPEI

Over 500.000+ users choose as their preferred way to buy crypto.

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Fast transactions

Transactions are sent within seconds after we receive your payment.

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FAQs about Tron (TRX)

How long does it take for a SPEI payment to process?

SPEI payments are generally processed quickly, often within seconds. Once receives your payment, Tron (TRX) is immediately sent to your specified wallet address. Enjoy prompt transactions without unnecessary waits.

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How long does it take for a SPEI payment to process?

SPEI payments are generally processed quickly, often within seconds. Once receives your payment, Tron (TRX) is immediately sent to your specified wallet address. Enjoy prompt transactions without unnecessary waits.

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How long does it take for a SPEI payment to process?

SPEI payments are generally processed quickly, often within seconds. Once receives your payment, Tron (TRX) is immediately sent to your specified wallet address. Enjoy prompt transactions without unnecessary waits.

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What are the fees for buying Tron with SPEI?

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What are the fees for buying Tron with SPEI?

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What are the fees for buying Tron with SPEI?

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Is it safe to buy Tron online?

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Is it safe to buy Tron online?

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Is it safe to buy Tron online?

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